Thursday, September 22, 2011


I have to admit, this accomplishment feels pretty awesome. Petunia is here, and in only a week I've had tons of support from friends, family, aquaintances, and even people I barely know who seem genuinely excited that I have a book published. I think I'm not even half as impressed with myself as most people seem to be, but I have been very encouraged by the positive response. I'm truly thankful to all of those who have been so supportive. Thank you all!

Being praised for this accomplishment, as nice as it is, also makes me realize how easy it is to stumble into thinking I've gained more value in this world because of it! Am I more accomplished now because I can call myself an "author" if I wanted to? I was only a "stay-at-home mom" before, so now what should I call myself? I was asked recently, "So what do you do, Erin? Is this what you do?" I said, "Well, I stay home with my daughter, I'm a stay-at-home mom," which, by the way, is the best "job" I've ever had! Anyway, the response to that was, "But what do you do? Is this what you do, write?" And I said, "Well sometimes, but this is my first published book." "So is this what you want to do?" Um, yeah, I'd love to have more books published. . .but I DO a lot of things, truth be told!

At Glacier National Park

I knew what was meant by the question, and it all came down to wanting to know what occupation I defined myself by. But I didn't have an answer for that. It's a strange thing in our culture, here in our country, to not be defined by a job or an occupation, as if the thing that you do encompasses all you are. After all, when meeting people the first thing you usually find out is what they do-what their job is. But I have to be honest, I personally have never aspired to any sort of a career. I've always enjoyed many things, but I never wanted a career or any specific job. Before my little family came along, I did a little of everything! I worked one summer at Glacier National Park cleaning hotel rooms and performing in their evening theater show; I traveled with Clear Vision Drama Company for over 3 years ministering to youth through drama; I was a bank teller, an assistant manager at a clothing store, and a coffee shop barista all within the same year.... and just as a side note, it's a good thing I took that pay cut to go to the coffee shop cuz that's where my future husband walked in looking for free wi-fi (not coffee) and found me! I guess my point in all this is, if I tried to define myself or find my identity in my occupation or my past job training, then I'd be a mess! I've struggled in the past, pressured by the wordly view that you need to have some sort of significant accomplishment or job title to be/feel important. But I've worked through that, especially when God blessed me with my little family. Being a wife to my wonderful husband, and a mother to my incredible daughter is the only thing I've "done" in my life that I feel I was made for. And that is out of the world's spotlight.
A bit of my dramatic side as silly little
 kid character "Renee" for Camp Josiah

I don't look to accomplishments, job titles, or opportunities to define myself anymore, nor do I seek my identity in them. I find my identy in my faith first, in my relationship with Jesus Christ, who made me and has a purpose for me. Who better to find your identity in than the person who created you and knows the plans and purposes He has for you? Until we know our identity can be found in Him, we will always be lost, trying to find it in other things or places or people.

I heard once from a pastor that God doesn't have just one thing for you in your life. He has something for you in your 20s, and something for you in your 30s, and then in your 40s, and 50s, and 60s and 70s and so on and so on.......for as long as He has you here, He has something for you. I love that because it reminds me that, for one, I'm not defined just by what I do, and that there isn't just one thing I'm supposed to "do" or "be." It also encourages me because I know that life with the Lord is always an adventure-an ongoing journey-full of many opportunities to love and serve and give and do and be many things. Jesus said, I have come to give you abundant life-but you need to invite Him in to your life and allow Him to lead you on that journey.

For now, I am excited for this chance to "do" some writing and to share that writing through a published work! I am grateful for the opportunity and I pray good things will come of it. But I don't want to define myself by it or get too caught up in it. I just want to be thankful for it. I want to keep my accomplishments in the proper perspective, and wake up everyday and say, "Okay Lord, here is something you've given me! Now what do you want me to do with it?

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." -John 10:10

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." -Colossians 3:23-24

You can also read my blog and buy my book at my new website: Check it out!