Thursday, March 24, 2011

Learning to Just Be

I wrote this a month ago when winter was still present but spring was peeking out....

The art of just being. I don't think we know how to do that these days. At least, if we do it takes a lot of effort. Even now, as I sit here, the weather is heavenly--there is still snow on the ground from two weeks of cold snow storms, but the sun is blazing in a clear blue sky and the breeze is warm and wonderful. Water drips and trickles down the gutter from melting snow. It's too glorious for words, sitting here outside after being shut up inside for days on end. It's a gift and a blessing!

But even as I recognize that and love it, I am still distracted by too many other things that are threatening to take away this peaceful moment of joy. Oh, these distracting thoughts, not even bad thoughts in themselves, that keep me from basking in this gift and from just "being." I should go to the store now while I have time; I need to cash this check and pick this up from the store; what am I making for dinnner?; what can I do now to be more productive; how can I maximize this playtime with my litle girl (although she is perfectly content playing on her own with her growing imagination)? I have the opportunity to just "be," to enjoy the fresh air blowing in my face and to watch my precious daughter as she creates her own world of play. Oh, just to watch her is precious enough! She is growing too fast and won't be this little for much longer--so enjoy this Erin! Bask in it! Soak in it. Watch that precious face and the wonder of her. The Lord is saying, "This is for you...."

Oh God, you are so good! How many of your gifts do we miss because we don't know the art of just "being?" Our minds are too full. Our priorities are upside down. Our distractions overwhelm us. We don't make time to be still, quiet, or to listen to you.

Oh God, you are so profound and at the same time not. It's simple--you are all around. You are in this moment of "being." I just had to recognize it and say "No" to the other thoughts. This isn't their time. It's our time, my family's and mine, and it's straight from you Lord, the giver of all good things, the one who satisfies my soul.

Be encouraged today, and don't forget to take some time to "just be."

1 comment:

  1. Hear Hear sister! We always feeling like we're supposed to be doing something in our Western culture. We really don't know what it means to rest.
