Friday, March 11, 2011

Welcome to my new blog!

So my first thought when deciding whether or not to start a blog was that everyone and their mom already has a blog, so what do I have to say that would be any different or even interesting enough for others to read? But I guess that everyone who has ever written anything has probably had that thought. So, thank you for taking the time to read and support me in this new venture of mine. For this first post I mainly want to share why I am starting this blog, and I hope you will stick around for awhile and check out my future posts, as I want this blog to be less about and for "me" and more for all of YOU! Yes, I will be sharing details and stories of my life, I am sure, and keeping you updated on certain exciting things going on (read all about it below!) but overall I want this blog to benefit you readers. As it explains in the "About Me" section to the right, I want these entries (my "mustard seeds") to be words that encourage and uplift, and maybe they will plant something positive in your lives!

The driving force behind starting this blog was to begin to get the word out about an opportunity that the Lord has recently blessed me with! So here it is: I am soon to be a published children's book author! This month Tate Publishing has officially started production on a children's book I recently wrote. This will be about a 6 month process, but by September my book should be out. It will first be available directly through me, and then later through distributors after an offical "release date." I am still a little in shock from getting the call last December that my book was accepted for publication. Mostly though, I am praising the Lord, as every good and perfect gift is from Him, and I wouldn't want this project to be anything less than everything it can be in His hands! And so I wanted to share this good news and keep you, friends and family (and future friends who may stumble across this blog), updated with this process. In another entry I will share the inspiration for and more of the story behind my book. Stay tuned!

Beyond that, I know I want this effort of my blog to be more than just about me, as I shared above. I have a desire to lift people up when they are down, to offer a word of encouragement, to share my life experiences and lessons I've learned in hopes of helping others, and to see people grow in their faith. Not that I have any special skills or training to be able to do this, but I do know the Lord, and I know that He supplies all that we need if we only let Him. I am offering a small voice (although a pretty loud one sometimes) from a limited life experience and I hope that He may be able to use it. If not, I hope that I can at least be somewhat amusing! For now I will end on a word of truth that has been my prayer for not only my book, but for my life, that the Lord would do immeasurably more with me than I could even ask or imagine! Or as a different translation states it, that he would do exceeding abundantly above all that I can ask or think. Isn't that awesome? Did you know that He wants to do that in your life too? Be encouraged today!

 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. -Ephesians 3:20, NIV

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. -Ephesians 3:20, KJV


  1. Hey sis! I may not be your first follower, but I am first to write a comment! Yay for your new blog. Isn't it fun? I also love Eph. 3:20 and have adopted it as a kind of life verse that I pray frequently. This last week in class it was my kids' verse of the week, only it was a kid-friendly version. It said "God is able to do far more than we could ever ask for or imagine. He does it by his power that is working in us." I love this verse. It reminds me that no matter what I may hope for or dream of or plan for my life and future, God's ways and plans and purposes for me will be even better! I've been looking forward to them! Love you, sis!

  2. i will only read your childrens book if has pictures...congrats!!
